Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Daily Workouts | The best exercises at home |
2 | Sworkit | A wide variety of sports, available on iOS and Android |
3 | Strava | The best community of fitness lovers |
4 | Nike training club | Classes for all skill levels |
5 | JEFIT | The Best Exercises for Beginners |
6 | Lose weight in 30 days | Complete nutrition and exercise program |
7 | Seven - 7 minute workouts | Great choice for busy people |
8 | Freeletics | Personalized exercises from professionals |
9 | Cardio, HIIT and Aerobics | Huge list of fat burning exercises |
10 | tabata | A thoughtful application for lovers of interval training |
With the advent of smartphones, sports have become accessible to everyone. App developers have teamed up with fitness industry stars to offer paid and free home workout programs. Even without special equipment, you can tighten your muscles, remove extra pounds, increase endurance. Modern gadgets track individual data as well as a coach, keep records of exercises, motivate and help find like-minded people.
The top best apps for sports are different complexes for every day for all fitness levels. Some offer fast interval training, others are designed for slow cardio, and others pump muscles. The rating includes the most popular proven options for iOS and Android.
Top 10 Best Sports Apps
10 tabata

Rating (2022): 4.4
Tabata stands for High Intensity Interval Training. The main difference is the short duration of the complexes, it takes up to 15 minutes for all exercises. The application is available in Russian on Android. It is divided into several categories: classic tabata and user settings. The first involves doing the exercise for 20 seconds, then a short rest. Workouts for different muscle groups are available: abs, thighs, upper and lower body. During the lesson, the timer is ticking, the athlete shows the technique. Everything is accompanied by sound signals, no need to look at the smartphone. If not a single complex is suitable, you can assemble your own from hundreds of exercises.
9 Cardio, HIIT and Aerobics

Rating (2022): 4.5
The name of the application "Cardio, HIIT and Aerobics" speaks for itself. It is on these 3 sports that the main emphasis is placed. The program is aimed at burning fat, taking into account the needs of overweight people. Special equipment is not required, everything is available at home. You can set the time of the lesson and view the execution technique in advance. Introduced the best light cardio: 30 minutes of low-intensity exercise for the very beginners. Attention deserves complexes without jumps, sparing the joints and neighbors from below. Although there is also explosive short cardio with high loads for experienced athletes. After a workout, the program asks about the sensations to suggest new exercises of the correct difficulty.
8 Freeletics

Rating (2022): 4.5
Freeletics is an American company that appeared in 2013 and in a short time won the trust of millions of athletes around the world.Workouts designed by professionals, based on intense loads. Almost all activities involve the weight of their own body, although the user can take dumbbells. The complex lasts from 5 to 45 minutes, the goal is to complete more exercises with the correct technique. The application evaluates performance, compares data with other athletes. Each exercise can be downloaded to a smartphone, then an Internet connection is not needed. Freeletics highly recommends perfecting the technique in advance; separate complexes have been created for this (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.).
7 Seven - 7 minute workouts

Rating (2022): 4.6
The busiest smartphone users will love the Seven app because each workout lasts only 7 minutes. Surprisingly, with the right selection of exercises, this is enough to bring the body into shape. Classes are accompanied by voice explanations and pictures. The developer regularly launches marathons and keeps the community active. Competitions are available with friends, athletes from all over the country. A full range of exercises is opened by subscription, although there is something to do for free in the program. For example, make a personal plan for your level of training. You can change voice messages during training, choose a humorous sergeant or a motivating cheerleader.
6 Lose weight in 30 days

Rating (2022): 4.6
The program with the speaking name "Lose Weight in 30 Days" is very popular among Android users. People's love is not surprising, many do lose weight. Only in this application, among the nominees of the rating, training and nutrition are combined. The menu is available in 2 options: for vegetarians and meat eaters.When you first start the program asks you to enter your age, height and weight, according to these data, it draws up a graph. It remains for the user to exercise regularly, follow the recipes and record the results. An automatic data tracker analyzes the effectiveness of training by increasing or decreasing the difficulty. Physical activity is designed to be done at home without equipment.

Rating (2022): 4.7
JEFIT focuses on fitness and bodybuilding, offering both bodyweight and weight training. The program is suitable for beginners who are taking their first steps in the sport. It allows you to enter all the indicators of the body to make a set of exercises. A standard workout follows a simple pattern: a small demonstration with a choice of weight and number of sets, and a timer that signals the rest. The library of exercises exceeds several hundred, the right one is searched in the catalog by muscle groups. JEFIT syncs individual history to the cloud. This means that you can view your own data from any Android and iOS device. In limited mode, the program runs on the computer.
4 Nike training club

Rating (2022): 4.8
Nike training club was created by the best specialists in the world for beginners and professionals. More than a hundred workouts are available in the application, each exercise is accompanied by a video instruction. Classes are filtered by the muscles involved: abs, buttocks, legs, arms. There are complexes of boxing, yoga, for the development of endurance. Users set the time and difficulty themselves. The undoubted advantage is the interface: as simple as possible, but functional. There is a section with tips from professional trainers, which is regularly updated.Every day, the application makes a list of recommendations based on the exercises performed. It can be synchronized with Apple Watch, take into account activity during the day.
3 Strava

Rating (2022): 4.9
In moments when there is not enough support and motivation to train, Strava comes to the rescue. This app is a community of sports fans, the largest on Android. Although communication is not its main function. Strava has put together workout options for every level. With the application, you can run, ride a bike, stretch, lift heavy weights. The user joins an interest club, participates in sports events along with the rest. Complexes for the house and the hall are presented. Runners highly appreciated the "Plots" feature. The built-in tracker remembers your favorite route and the person's performance against which you can compare your progress. There is a free version and a subscription.
2 Sworkit

Rating (2022): 4.9
Sworkit differs from the rest in the variety of sports. There is strength training, stretching, yoga. Most classes can be repeated at home without additional weights. The execution technique is shown by real athletes. The results are stored in memory, it is convenient to track progress. The application daily reminds you of workouts with motivating phrases. It offers the best conditions for users with special needs: sore knees, overweight, etc. There are whole complexes for older people. The first 7 days are free, then you need to either cancel your subscription or renew for money. But all the functionality is immediately open, there is no advertising.
1 Daily Workouts

Rating (2022): 5.0
Daily Workouts is one of the largest exercise libraries on Android, categorized by fitness level. The application was created for beginners, the execution technique is shown in great detail. One complex lasts no more than 30 minutes, the time can be adjusted. Workouts are suitable for home, they do not involve special equipment. According to the developer, the application was created with the participation of professionals. It does not require the Internet, short instructions are downloaded to the smartphone. Users choose one of two versions: free and subscription. The second includes stretching complexes, Pilates, exercises with dumbbells and a ball. After payment, all advertising disappears, although there are not many of them.