Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Fertika Potato-5 | Excellent value for money and quality |
2 | BONA FORTE for potatoes and root crops | Optimal composition |
3 | Folirus Bor | The best liquid mineral fertilizer |
1 | AKVARIN Potato | Great price |
2 | Biohumus in granules | The most convenient application |
3 | BIONEX-1 | Complex of natural nutrients |
4 | Lubo-Zeleno Chicken manure | The best ratio of price and quality |
5 | BONA FORTE Turkey litter | Long lasting effect, slow consumption |
1 | WMD Buyskiye "Potato" | High efficiency |
2 | Gumi-Omi potatoes, carrots, radishes | Universal application, gentle action |
3 | Fertika Organic-Mineral | Better Plant Growth Stimulation |
4 | JOY Lignohumate "Seedling" | Good protective features |
Everyone who has ever encountered planting a crop knows that this is not an easy task. It takes time, effort and, most importantly, certain knowledge. Gardeners are advised to use special top dressing to maintain plant immunity, activate their growth, and maintain strength in the winter. All of them are divided into several categories according to their origin: mineral, organic and organo-mineral. The most useful ingredients are potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, compost, humus. Among all garden plants, planting potatoes requires special attention. It is often attacked by insects and needs to be fed already at the planting stage.To prevent such situations and get a good harvest, experts recommend the use of fertilizers. Now you can find many different options offered by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. To choose the best top dressing, pay attention to the following points:
- Compound. Of course, the result depends on the presence of different components. In addition, potatoes are fertilized in several stages, each of which requires certain top dressings. The most useful components for it are potassium chloride, phosphoric acid, nitrogen, zinc, manganese, copper, magnesium, boron. As an additional fertilizer, chicken and turkey manure, humus, and ash are used.
- Type of. All dressings are divided into root and foliar. The former are used during planting and are laid directly into the hole, while the latter are designed to feed plants during their growth.
- Purpose. As mentioned above, potatoes should be fertilized in several stages. The first begins at the end of May and requires a large amount of nitrogen, then during budding the plant needs potassium, and during flowering - phosphorus.
- Structure. All dressings are divided into solid granular, liquid and loose (natural). The most convenient form is the first one, because such an additive simply needs to be mixed with the soil (or sometimes with water).
We learned which fertilizers for potatoes are the best in different categories. When compiling the rating, the following characteristics were taken into account:
- customer reviews;
- expert advice;
- efficiency;
- compound;
- price.
The best mineral fertilizers for potatoes
The name of this group of fertilizers speaks for itself. Their composition is enriched with such useful minerals as potassium, copper, zinc, nitrogen, phosphorus and others.Each plant is deficient in some substances. Such dressings can be simple (contain one mineral) or complex (several at once). They are presented in a compact form, so they are optimal for transportation. They are used depending on the type of soil (most often in the spring when sowing). Below are the most popular mineral fertilizers for potatoes.
3 Folirus Bor
Country: Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Fertilizer "Folirus Bor" was created for foliar feeding of plants. It is presented in liquid form and is used when there is a shortage of boron. Actively fights slow growth, strengthens internodes, accelerates the formation of fruits. According to research by VNIIK, after the application of "Folirus Bor", the potato yield increases on average from 3 to 13%. Top dressing contains the main component (boron) in high concentration, has a density of 1.24 g/cm3.
Produced in canisters from 1 to 20 liters. Boron deficiency can lead to the most unfortunate consequences: the death of the kidneys, slowing down flowering, bushiness, falling flowers. This fertilizer quickly and effectively solves all these problems. Experts advise using it with a pronounced lack of boron and in combination with other useful additives. Advantages: high concentration of the element, proven effectiveness, excellent reviews, optimal cost.
2 BONA FORTE for potatoes and root crops
Country: Russia
Average price: 350 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Fertilizer "BONA FORTE" was created specifically for potatoes and root crops. It has a particularly useful composition. It includes phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium, bioavailable silicon, boron, titanium, manganese, molybdenum.The additive actively reduces the amount of nitrates in fruits. It is used at all stages of sowing (during soil preparation and planting in the spring). Fertilizer is used to feed potatoes before flowering in the amount of 1-2 times with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks. For one plant during planting, it requires only 2-3 g of supplement. On average, one package is enough for 3 acres.
"BONA FORTE" improves soil structure, reduces nitrate content, accelerates plant growth, increases germination, protects against negative impacts, increases freshness. The complex formula is optimally selected and has high efficiency. Many components are necessary for the full development of plants. Produced in packages, there is a choice of different packaging: 2, 5 or 5 kg. Main advantages: the most useful composition, the necessary elements, excellent efficiency, economical consumption, very good customer reviews.
1 Fertika Potato-5
Country: Russia
Average price: 330 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Firm "Fertika" produces one of the most popular fertilizers for potatoes among gardeners. It is presented in the form of granules, which contain a complex of useful elements. Among them: magnesium, sulfur, etc. An important feature is that there is no chlorine in the composition. Fertilizer is intended for top dressing in the spring (during the planting period) and in the summer during the growing season. Produced in packages of 2.5 and 5 kg. A small package is enough for several seasons (it all depends on the area of sowing). Gardeners note a noticeable growth of tubers after the use of Fertiki and an improvement in their quality.
The manufacturer advises to use the fertilizer as follows: in early spring, it is scattered on the site where it is planned to plant potatoes, in the amount of 70 g per sq.m.This allows you to properly prepare the soil and saturate it with useful elements. But there are other options for fertilizing: when planting in holes, it is necessary to distribute 15-20 g of fertilizer per plant or plant it in the soil during the growing season (30-40 g for each bush). Main advantages: optimal price-quality ratio, a set of useful elements, low consumption, optimal price, a lot of positive reviews.
The best organic fertilizers for potatoes
The next type of fertilizer differs from mineral fertilizers in that all substances are contained here in the form of organic compounds. They include nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, as well as other nutrients in combination with substances of plant origin. They have a beneficial effect on soil properties and are essential for crop photosynthesis. Such fertilizers are presented in several forms: manure, bird droppings, peat, silt, sawdust, compost. Some manufacturers offer complex dressings that combine several elements at once. The rating includes the best organic fertilizers for potatoes.
5 BONA FORTE Turkey litter
Country: Russia
Average price: 190 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.5
"BONA FORTE" is a 100% natural fast-acting fertilizer. It was created to nourish the root system of plants, increase soil fertility, and increase productivity. The main difference of the additive is a prolonged effect, i.e. one application will be enough for 1-2 seasons. The main component here is turkey droppings, and additional nutrition is provided by potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, bioavailable silicon, and magnesium. It is a fertilizer in the form of granules that do not have a pungent odor.
It is used at different stages of growing plants: in the main application, when planting and top dressing. On average, potatoes require from 500 to 700 g of additive per sq.m. Sold in packs of 2 kg. Possesses long action. Advantages: prolonged effect, slow consumption, natural product, no pungent odor, good efficiency.
4 Lubo-Zeleno Chicken manure
Country: Russia
Average price: 70 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
The next organic fertilizer from Lyubo-Zeleno is chicken manure with a high content of the most essential elements. These include phosphorus 3%, nitrogen 4%, potassium 3%, boron, cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, bioactive substances. Lyubo-Zeleno is used as the main fertilizer. An important feature - during use there is no unpleasant odor. For potatoes per 1 sq.m. enough 500-700 grams of the supplement.
One package contains 800 g of fertilizer. The combination of useful substances acts very actively and within a short period of time. After application, there is an acceleration of plant growth, an improvement in their appearance, and an increase in yield. The completely organic composition does not harm the roots and soil, but intensively nourishes them. Main advantages: optimal cost, good quality, enough for a long time, positive feedback from gardeners.
Country: Russia
Average price: 40 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
"BIONEX-1" is a universal fertilizer intended for feeding all agricultural crops, including potatoes. It consists of the following components: chicken manure, natural micro and macro elements, gum, protective "Fitosporin-M", beneficial microflora.Fertilizer has a beneficial effect on plants. It improves the quality of the soil, improves its structure, increases productivity, strengthens the immunity of plants, and protects against the spread of diseases.
Due to the complex of elements, "BIONEX-1" is much more efficient than manure. One package weighing 2 kg is enough for 5-10 sq.m. Buyers note in the reviews that after application a good result is noticeable - soil fertility improves, and tubers grow better. Advantages: optimal composition, harmless to humans and animals, high efficiency, contains the most important nutrients, improves soil and plant characteristics, ideal for potatoes.
2 Biohumus in granules
Country: Russia
Average price: 100 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The following fertilizer "Biohumus" is a densely pressed granules, which are very simple and easy to use. They consist of a complex of organic, environmentally friendly substances and do not contain chemical elements. The main component - biohumus - was created by earthworms from cattle manure. Fertilizer biocontainers accelerate plant growth, perform protective functions (against frost, drought), and prevent various diseases. By the way, there is no expiration date here. One package contains 16 granules.
The granules are placed in the well and filled with the required amount of water (50-70 ml). Over time, they dissolve, forming a nutrient mass around the plants. This creates comfortable conditions for the growth and development of tubers. Gardeners note the high germination of seeds when using top dressing.Advantages: convenient application, provides abundant plant nutrition, improves disease resistance, protects against negative impacts, economical consumption, excellent reviews, good results, long storage.
1 AKVARIN Potato
Country: Russia
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Concentrated fertilizer "Aquarin Potato" was created for basal and foliar top dressing. It has an unusual, but very convenient method of application - spraying with water, and has a low cost. One package weighing 100 g is enough for 50 liters of water. The additive includes many useful elements, including sulfur, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, boron and others. An important difference between fertilizers is that all substances here are contained in a chelated form (complex organic salts). This ensures the rapid absorption of the additive by the plant and favorably affects the soil.
After spraying, the action begins instantly. "Aquarin Potato" is a mixture of powder and granules. It is used from spring to summer (July) both independently and together with plant protection products. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to repeat the spraying procedure 4 times at different stages of plant formation. Advantages: best price, easy application, high efficiency, optimal consumption, good composition.
The best organo-mineral fertilizers for potatoes
The organo-mineral type is a fertilizer that consists of organic substances and mineral compounds combined with them. This type is considered one of the most effective, because. contains all the necessary elements for plant and soil nutrition. Such additives significantly increase fertility and productivity.At a price, such fertilizers are quite affordable, therefore they are widely used by gardeners. They are divided into humic, liquid and complex. Below are the best organo-mineral top dressings for potatoes.
4 JOY Lignohumate "Seedling"
Country: Russia
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Organo-mineral fertilizer JOY Lignohumate "Seedling" with a high content of potassium is ideal for feeding potatoes and other crops. It can be used both in the standard way and for soaking seeds. This gives a strong recharge and further accelerates their germination several times. The composition is enriched with sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, iron, molybdenum, silicon, magnesium, etc. The proportion of salts of humic substances is 2.7%. For use, dilute the product with water.
The supplement is offered in liquid form in a 0.33 liter bottle. Feedback from gardeners indicates a noticeable increase in seed germination after application, which contributes to the healthy development of plants. Fertilizer has good protective functions. Advantages: improves seed quality, accelerates growth, increases yield, optimal composition, slow consumption, suitable for seed soaking, many positive responses.
3 Fertika Organic-Mineral
Country: Russia
Average price: 290 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Fertika immediate action fertilizer consists of 18% humate and contains many useful trace elements necessary for proper plant nutrition. Presented in the form of granules, each of them has a full range of substances that ensure the active growth of potatoes and other crops.The additive is used as the main application (10-15 g per well), during irrigation (about 30 g per liter of water) and for top dressing several times a season at 20-40 grams per sq.m. In the southern regions, the use of fertilizer occurs from February, and in the middle lane from early spring.
Available in 900g and 2.5kg packs. A fertilizer for open and protected ground has been created. A small package is enough for an average of 40 square meters. m. Impact on the root system and soil occurs instantly. Main advantages: intensive stimulation of plant growth, intensive nutrition, improvement of soil quality, optimal consumption, popular producer, efficiency.
2 Gumi-Omi potatoes, carrots, radishes
Country: Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Organo-mineral fertilizer "Gumi-Omi" was created specifically for potatoes, carrots and radishes. It significantly increases the yield, nourishes the roots of plants, filling them with useful elements, stimulates active growth, improves soil quality and has protective properties. The main component is chicken manure, which goes well with useful trace elements: boron, Gumi and copper. One package contains 700 g of additive, enough for ten sq.m.
It is applied in the spring before planting (loose), placed in each hole on the day of sowing and serves as top dressing once every two weeks until the bulbs are set. With any method of fertilization, it is required in the amount of 700 g per 10 sq.m. Shelf life is 4 years. Main advantages: best price, universal application, mild effect on the soil and plant, ideal for potatoes, natural composition, positive reviews.
1 WMD Buyskiye "Potato"
Country: Russia
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The following mineral fertilizer was created for complex feeding of potatoes. Its composition includes phosphorus at a concentration of 6%, magnesium 6%, nitrogen 10% and potassium 16%. An important difference is that it does not contain chlorine harmful to plants. It is presented in the form of small granules, distributed in a small amount. One hole requires 10 g of fertilizer at the time of planting, before hilling the amount increases to 20 g, and when preparing the soil, 50 g per sq.m.
The additive improves the metabolism of plants, protects against the negative effects of the environment, reduces the risk of infection with various diseases. It has a long shelf life - 5 years. With slow consumption, this will save money on the purchase of new packages. The weight of one package is 3 or 5 kg to choose from. The advantages include excellent efficiency, high content of useful elements, positive reviews, acceleration of plant growth and development, convenient use, slow consumption, lack of chlorine in the composition.