Place |
Name |
Characteristic in the rating |
1 | Sorbifer Durules | Best quality. Has a slow release of iron |
2 | Tardyferon | prolonged action |
3 | Heferol | Recommended by experts |
4 | Ferretab | Has a positive effect on intrauterine development of the fetus |
5 | Fenyuls | Effective in latent forms of anemia |
1 | ferinject | Better efficiency. Quick help with profuse blood loss |
2 | Cosmopher | Has the lowest toxicity |
3 | Venofer | Rapid replenishment of iron losses |
4 | Likferr | Has a cumulative effect |
5 | Ferrum Lek | Copes with a critical drop in iron levels |
1 | Floradix Liquid Iron | Best for pregnant women in any trimester |
2 | Maltofer | Effective in childhood and old age |
3 | Ferlatum | Best for Anemia Prevention |
4 | Totem | Effectively stimulates blood formation |
5 | Aktiferrin | Approved for use in newborns |
1 | Solgar Gentle Iron | Best Food Supplement |
2 | Easily Available Nature's Bounty Iron | The best ratio of price and quality |
3 | Evalar Iron chelate | The most popular supplement on the market |
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Treatment aimed at increasing hemoglobin is not complete without drugs. It is impossible to make up for the deficiency by adjusting exclusively the nutrition of the patient. The volume of iron absorbed from food is limited to 2.5 mg / day. Of the drugs, the body can "absorb" 15-20 times more.
There are many effective iron preparations on the market. However, drugs that contain organic ferric salts, iron compounds with variable organic radicals are absorbed better than others. These representatives are the safest, they are well absorbed and do not cause unpleasant symptoms. Patients do not have a "metallic" taste in the mouth, teeth do not darken, there is no heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, etc.
Our rating is based on feedback from specialists and patients. takes the classification of products according to the form of release as a base. Before using any of the described drugs, you should consult your doctor.
The best manufacturers of means to increase hemoglobin
Among the most well-established manufacturers of the medicinal group at the moment were:
AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish pharmaceutical company registered in the UK. Founded in 1999. One of the modern manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Vifor Pharma is a global developer of drugs aimed at increasing hemoglobin in the blood. The company's headquarters is located in Switzerland.
Takeda is an international pharmaceutical company with a focus on advanced scientific developments. It is one of the 15 largest drug manufacturers in the world.
Ratiopharm is a German pharmaceutical company, a manufacturer of inexpensive analogues (generics) of well-known medicines. Products are popular not only in Germany, but also in other 35 countries of the world.
Nature's Bounty The American company was founded in 1971. Specializes in the development, production and sale of beauty and health products.
How to choose the best hemoglobin booster?
Uncontrolled intake of iron preparations can significantly harm, therefore, the choice of medicine (BAA) should be based on medical recommendations. This takes into account criteria such as:
Results of laboratory tests. They will allow the doctor to decide which drug and at what dosage the patient should take.
Compound. Most often, patients are prescribed drugs that contain elements of ferrous iron - ferrous gluconate or ferrous sulfate. Vitamin complexes and dietary supplements are prescribed mainly for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
Release form. It is preferable to take iron in the form of tablets or capsules. Less commonly used drops, syrups. In severe cases, injections are prescribed. Children are treated with lozenges.
The best pills and capsules to increase hemoglobin
Tablets and capsule forms are prescribed in the absence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary, cardiovascular systems. Approved for expectant mothers and lactating women.
5 Fenyuls
Country: India
Average price: 305 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Means of combined action - helps to compensate for the lack of trace elements and vitamins of group B.The main active ingredients are ferrous sulfate, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B. Fenyuls is recommended during pregnancy with pronounced hypoxia. Take 1 capsule 1 time per day. The duration of the course is 30 days.
Patients note that from the first days of taking they feel better, dizziness, drowsiness disappear, cheerfulness appears. It is especially effective for the treatment of latent forms of anemia. It is recommended to be taken by women with heavy menstruation. In this case, you should start taking vitamins a couple of days before menstruation, continue to drink them during and a couple of days after it.
4 Ferretab
Country: Austria
Average price: 479 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Drug for persons over twelve years of age. It contains ferrous fumarate and folic acid. The vitamin complex helps to quickly restore the level of hemoglobin in the body by accelerating the absorption of the trace element. It is recommended for pregnant and lactating women, especially if there is a suspicion of impaired mental development of the child. The proportion of digestible iron varies from 5% to 35%.
Patients say that iron absorption will occur faster if the medicine is taken simultaneously with ascorbic acid. It shows the best efficiency in the recovery period after heavy blood loss. An inadequate diet is a reason to start taking Ferritab. Multiplicity of reception - 1 capsule per day, duration - at least 28 days. It should be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water.
3 Heferol
Country: Macedonia
Average price: 1300 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
An effective remedy for the treatment of anemia in men and women.Heferol quickly compensates for the lack of iron that has developed as a result of bleeding, pregnancy, breastfeeding, an unbalanced diet, and chronic diseases. This representative of the rating is designed to improve well-being, strengthen the immune system and increase vitality, without adversely affecting the patient's gastrointestinal tract. Heferol is represented by ferrous iron, which allows it to be quickly and fully absorbed in the body.
Take one tablet per day, half an hour before meals. The duration of the course of treatment for anemia can be from 1.5 to 3 months. Judging by customer reviews, an increase in hemoglobin can be seen after a month of taking Heferol. Reviews about the representative on the Web are mostly positive, however, people with lactose intolerance are better off looking for another drug.
2 Tardyferon
Country: France
Average price: 462 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Replenishes the deficiency of hemoglobin in the body. The active ingredients are iron-containing salt, trace elements, ascorbic acid. The presence of mucoproteoses in the composition helps the gradual absorption of the trace element, which increases its bioavailability. Recommended for the treatment of anemia in pregnant and lactating mothers. It is considered effective in case of heavy bleeding, unbalanced diet.
Patients in the reviews talk about the high effectiveness of the drug when taken for prophylactic purposes. Good results are observed in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women. Tablets are taken orally with plenty of water, during or before meals. Children 6-10 years old are recommended 1 piece per day, adults - 2 tablets per day. It is forbidden to take with anemia, not associated with iron deficiency.
1 Sorbifer Durules
Country: Hungary
Average price: 594 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
Tablets are designed to stabilize the level of hemoglobin in the body. Added ascorbic acid. This combination helps the iron to be gradually released from the dosage form in the intestines. The whole process takes at least 6 hours. This allows you not to injure the mucous membranes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Buyers speak well of Sorbifer, noting its best sparing effect on the body, reasonable cost and high efficiency in eliminating iron deficiency in the body. Approved for admission from 10 years. Achieving normal hemoglobin levels occurs within 3-4 months. Not recommended for persons prone to thrombosis, diabetes, urolithiasis.
The best injections to increase hemoglobin
Medicines in ampoule form are used for intolerance to tablets, solutions. They are prescribed for extremely low levels of hemoglobin, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased acidity of the stomach. They are treated strictly under medical supervision to avoid side effects - nausea, suffocation, heart rhythm disturbances.
5 Ferrum Lek
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 1 430 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
It is offered in several forms - injections, tablets and syrup. The first is considered the most effective for heavy blood loss, impaired absorption of the microelement in the intestine. The frequency and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor in each case individually. The active substance is ferric iron hydroxide polymaltose.Prohibited for use in hemolytic anemia, hemochromatosis, thalassemia.
The drug is approved for use from the first days of life. Copes with severe forms of anemia, even with ineffective preliminary treatment. It is used only intramuscularly. Tolerance testing is required. Insertion into the gluteal muscle should be deep. Insertion needles must be at least 5 cm long. The contents of the ampoule must be examined before opening, it must be homogeneous and without sediment.
4 Likferr
Country: Greece
Average price: 2 432 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
Recommended for the treatment of anemia in the body. Approved for use from 18 years of age. The main active ingredient is the sugar complex trivalent iron hydroxide. It is prescribed for profuse blood loss, chronic intestinal diseases, ineffectiveness of other forms of medicines.
Likferr is administered only intravenously by jet or drip method. Can be used directly in the dialysis system. Not recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy. The drug is administered in the presence of a doctor in a hospital setting. The dosage is calculated individually and depends on the severity of anemia.
3 Venofer
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 3 817 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
Presented as an iron (III) complex and recommended for intravenous administration. Allowed from the age of three. To prevent a negative reaction of the body to the drug, testing is necessary. It is especially important to do this in patients prone to allergies, asthma, dermatitis, eczema. Do not use in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The drug copes with the rapid replenishment of iron losses. It becomes a good alternative for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Intramuscular administration and simultaneous use of the entire therapeutic dose are prohibited. Only a clear brown solution is suitable for use. Ampoules must be checked for possible damage.
2 Cosmopher
Country: Denmark
Average price: 4 753 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
It is allowed to treat hypoxia in persons over 18 years of age. The main active ingredient is iron. It can be administered intravenously and intramuscularly. The main advantage of Kosmofer is its non-ionic water-soluble form, which is the most non-toxic among analogues. The drug is prescribed in case of an urgent need to increase the level of hemoglobin and with intolerance to tablet preparations.
Treatment with the drug is carried out in stationary conditions, in the presence of a resuscitator. Observation is carried out during the infusion and after its completion for 60 minutes. Any suspicious reaction is a reason to immediately stop the procedure. The standard dose of the drug in the absence of contraindications is 2-3 times within 7 days.
1 ferinject
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 5 418 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
It provides quick help with pronounced anemia, confirmed by laboratory tests. Approved for use from 14 years of age. It is prescribed for the ineffective use of other forms of drugs. The main component is iron carboxymaltose. It is administered only intravenously by jet or drip, and is also used directly in the venous section of the dialysis system.
Treatment is carried out only in stationary conditions, where resuscitators are nearby. This will help to avoid a negative reaction to the drug. The entire process of introducing Ferinject takes place under the supervision of a health worker who continues to be next to the patient after administration for half an hour.
The best syrups and solutions to increase hemoglobin
Liquid forms of antianemic agents are used to treat children and older people. They have difficulty dissolving dense shells of tablet preparations in the gastrointestinal tract. Syrups are prescribed for low acidity of the stomach.
5 Aktiferrin
Country: Israel
Average price: 631 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.6
Available in different forms, but syrup is considered popular. It has a universal value, can be used in the treatment of anemia in adults and children from the first day of life. It contains serine, which is an amino acid that provides the microelement with a high rate of penetration into the bloodstream. This allows you to take lower doses, but still maintain high efficiency.
Recommended for expectant mothers, people with chronic diseases of the stomach, its complete or partial resection, with low acidity. Used to prevent oxygen starvation, especially in children after birth. The syrup is taken during or before meals. When the result is achieved, the drug is continued in a reduced dosage in order to consolidate the effect.
4 Totem
Country: France
Average price: 793 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
The drug is designed against various forms of anemia that occurs from the age of three months.Manganese and copper hydroxides have been added to the composition of Totem. Recommended for heavy blood loss, pregnancy, malnutrition. Dosages of the drug are set individually, based on the degree of manifestation of anemia and the age of the patient.
The tool serves as a strong stimulant of hematopoiesis, promotes the active use of trace elements for the production of enzymes, the active production of hemoglobin. Do not use the drug if you suspect poisoning with manganese, copper or lead.
3 Ferlatum
Country: Spain
Average price: 933 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
The drug against anemia with the active ingredient iron succinylate protein. Approved for admission from the first days of life. Recommended for a sharp drop in hemoglobin to extremely low values. Effective in preventing anemia. It is forbidden to use in chronic liver diseases, hemophilia, pancreatitis. It should be taken only after a meal, so that there are no dyspeptic phenomena.
Ferlatum is recommended for adults to take 15-30 ml per day, the daily dose is divided into two times. Children are prescribed based on body weight - 1.5 ml per kg per day. The daily rate is divided into 2 doses. With individual characteristics, the multiplicity is determined by the doctor. Upon reaching normal hemoglobin levels, the course continues at maintenance dosages.
2 Maltofer
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 501 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The drug is equally effective in childhood and old age. The main component is iron hydroxide polymaltose. Available in four forms - tablet, capsule, in the form of a solution, syrup.The latter is especially effective in early childhood, in the elderly age period, with systematic high physical exertion. The lower the patient's hemoglobin level, the higher the digestibility of the trace element - the figure reaches 30%.
Syrup is prescribed for chronic and acute forms of intestinal diseases, hemolytic anemia. Vegetarians who use it much more often than others respond well to the drug. Doctors advise taking Maltofer in adolescence with a clear lack of trace elements in the blood. There are practically no contraindications, they are very rare.
1 Floradix Liquid Iron
Country: Germany
Average price: 1 065 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.9
The dietary supplement is made from natural plant extracts. Recommended for use during pregnancy. Actively compensates for the deficiency of microelements. The composition mainly contains plant extracts - carrots, nettles, spinach, wheatgrass, fennel, algae. It includes mixtures of concentrated juices, honey, rose hips, iron gluconate and vitamins B and C.
Adults take 10 ml with meals. The course of treatment lasts at least 30 days. Shake the syrup before drinking. Not all drugs are allowed during pregnancy, so Floradix is an excellent solution to increase the level of iron, flavonoids and other nutrients.
The best dietary supplements to increase hemoglobin
Representatives of this group will help prevent a relapse of the condition after the normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood. In some clinical cases, supplements are also prescribed to normalize indicators.They are well tolerated by the body, have the only contraindication - intolerance to the components of the supplement.
3 Evalar Iron chelate
Country: Russia
Average price: 374 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.7
This dietary supplement with iron is safely prescribed to expectant and nursing mothers: it is well tolerated and effective for preventing the development of iron deficiency anemia during the period of bearing a child. The same dietary supplement is also taken with low levels of hemoglobin and ferritin in the blood. The dose in this case is multiplied. Judging by the feedback from patients, the indicators can be normalized after a month of taking the supplement. Heartburn, belching and other unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract Iron chelate does not cause.
The Evalar product owes its popularity not only to efficiency and portability, but also to an attractive price. If you take the drug for prevention (1 piece per day), the package will last for two months. An additional pleasant effect from taking dietary supplements also cannot but rejoice - for some, the supplement helped to forget about the problems of hair loss, dry skin and increased fatigue. It is preferable to order dietary supplements on the Internet: in the country's pharmacies it is slightly more expensive.
2 Easily Available Nature's Bounty Iron
Country: USA
Average price: 967 rub.
Rating (2022): 4.8
One capsule of the dietary supplement contains 28 mg of chelated iron, as well as vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin B12. The complex affects all stages of metabolism - it compensates for the lack of all the necessary vitamins and iron itself.The effectiveness of taking the supplement is noticed not only by laboratory tests, but also by external signs - the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and general well-being improves.
The capsules in the bottle are small and easy to swallow. The supplement is taken even by patients with a sensitive stomach - the capsules do not cause “side effects”. A convenient preparation for the rapid replenishment of Fe deficiency can be used by pregnant and lactating women. The daily dosage is calculated individually. 60 capsules with preventive intake is enough for two months.
1 Solgar Gentle Iron
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 1,205
Rating (2022): 4.9
Vegetable capsules in packaging of 90 and 180 capsules are otherwise called "soft iron". Chelated bisglycinate is perfectly absorbed by the body, suitable for both prevention and treatment of anemia. Since the supplement is highly purified, it is suitable for pregnant and lactating women. The first place in the Solgar Gentle Iron category was not in vain - the effectiveness and safety of dietary supplements are confirmed by numerous studies, as well as the practical experience of endocrinologists and hematologists.
Among other advantages of this choice: a balanced composition, the absence of allergens, a convenient form of taking dietary supplements. The manufacturer also took care of the packaging of the drug, equipped the jar with child protection. There are not many contraindications to taking the supplement, however, it is not recommended to take it in tandem with chelate forms of calcium, zinc, copper, magnesium.